Jason Davies

Jason Davies


Painting Canvas p7

17 Cells. Spraypaint on canvas 20 x 14 inches Jason Davies 2008
17 Cells. Spraypaint on canvas 20 x 14 inches Jason Davies 2008
Detail from 17 Cells, Spraypaint on canvas Jason Davies 2008.
Detail from 17 Cells, Spraypaint on canvas Jason Davies 2008.

 JDavies 17cells this painting is about different personalities, locked up in institutions mentally or otherwise, that I have met. This subconscious and imagination piece of art supplies the viewer with a onlook into Human craziness that is not seen in society, todays bedlam if you must. All done in spray paint and detail etched in with one of my tools I have created for this purpose. Jason Davies 2008 

White Apple. Spraypaint on canvas 30 x 17 inches Jason Davies 2008
White Apple. Spraypaint on canvas 30 x 17 inches Jason Davies 2008
Detail from White Apple. Spraypaint on canvas JDavies 2008
Detail from White Apple. Spraypaint on canvas JDavies 2008

 JDavies. This painting was from a group or series called  the dissolves and at the moment this is just one example from that era. The painting consist of taking the colour this one mainly white and etching fine points into the paint to make the image and colour dissolve into the next like you would get in water and so on. The process I find very interesting and is ultimately repetitive to the point of maximum detail all done and produced in Belton spray paint. JD 

Once Apon A Town In Yorkshire. Spraypaint on canvas 88 x 79 cm Jason Davies 2006
Once Apon A Town In Yorkshire. Spraypaint on canvas 88 x 79 cm Jason Davies 2006
Detail from, Once Apon A Town in Yorkshire Spraypaint on canvas JDavies 2006
Detail from, Once Apon A Town in Yorkshire Spraypaint on canvas JDavies 2006

 Jason Davies. This artwork is an early painting from my portfolio of what I class as professional works. A surrealist view of my town of Rotherham in Yorkshire,I think there is a series of four different views, all spray paint on canvas all collaboration with the parallel technique.The buildings morph into each other to create characters and reference points of strange forms where there is no sense of distance. There is a free range of colours ranging from greens and reds and blacks the buildings are alive. J Davies

Boom. Spraypaint on canvas 52 x 36 inches Jason Davies 2010
Boom. Spraypaint on canvas 52 x 36 inches Jason Davies 2010
Detail from Boom. Spraypaint on canvas Jason Davies 2010
Detail from Boom. Spraypaint on canvas Jason Davies 2010

Jason Davies. This painting is about noise in the community. This sounds that are generated in today's society introducing the base and the boom. All with spray paint and created on canvas with the Parallel technic. These large canvases where there is about 10 of them and are pretty large on my scale, I need bigger space if Carry on with the series.jdaviesarts